Monday, July 8, 2013

When is Science Not Science?

"Science ceases to be science when the constant it teaches is only a constant sometimes."
Stu Marks

I have been teaching this to all who will listen since before The AlGore monster took to the streets to attempt through non-science to convince the world that he is some type of Environment Guru who knows more than God about the subject.

Read this article and you will see The Leftist Science and EDU community in a new light.

[Co-written by William Happer, and first published in the Wall Street Journal.]
Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt
Of all of the world’s chemical compounds, none has a worse reputation than carbon dioxide. Thanks to the single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas by advocates of government control of energy production, the conventional wisdom about carbon dioxide is that it is a dangerous pollutant. That’s simply not the case. Contrary to what some would have us believe, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit the increasing population on the planet by increasing agricultural productivity.The cessation of observed global warming for the past decade or so has shown how exaggerated NASA’s and most other
computer predictions of human-caused warming have been—and how little correlation warming has with concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide. As many scientists have pointed out, variations in global temperature correlate much better with solar activity and with complicated cycles of the oceans and atmosphere. There isn’t the slightest evidence that more carbon dioxide has caused more extreme weather.

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