Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gun Control That Works Every Time

I don’t care what the ignorant and rogue, pop-culture, drive-by mainstream media says about me. I am a thankful and humble patriotic American who is also a righteously protective husband and property owner who knows my rights.

And, I own guns that are always loaded.

I have never pointed a real gun at a human and I hope to never be required to do so, but I will if you threaten me, my family, friends or neighbors. If I point the gun at you, I will be pulling the trigger as soon as I have carefully and quickly aimed the sites on your center mass. I won’t be talking; I will be too busy aiming.

I do not intend on shooting anyone. But, if I pull my gun, I will not stand there and talk about what I’d like you to stop doing. The bullet or shot that comes out of the gun and enters your center mass will stop you.

Deadly force is only used as a last resort in a deadly, threatening situation.

Guns should NEVER be used by citizens as negotiating leverage, regardless of how TV cops are portrayed. Guns are to be carefully and purposefully shot into the center mass of the individual who needs stopping.

This description would not be necessary if pop culture wasn't teaching otherwise.

This is gun control. This is how I train myself and my wife.

Gun Control That Works Every Time

  1. Have gun already loaded and within reach.
  2. If threatened, deploy gun ready to fire as soon as the target is in front of an appropriate background and it is reasonably safe to do so.
  3. Acquire target’s center mass in the gun’s sites and fire as many rounds as it takes to stop the life threatening behavior.
  4. These steps should progress and culminate within a few seconds. When the gun was being reached for, the situation was already beyond reasoning.  alking, reasoning with and otherwise negotiating should never take place with a loaded gun pointing at another human. Pull gun and fire. If there is time to reason and negotiate, then you do not feel threatened enough to use a gun.
  5. Calling the police is not interchangeable with defending one's self. They are two totally different solutions for two completely different, but possibly related scenarios.
I have heard people who believe differently than me express horror and empty solutions to be used instead of shooting someone. Some of the non-solutions begin with, "What if...".

Any scenario that you can put forth has been covered by the Gun Control steps above.

What I find ironic is that people who want to take guns away from non-violent, Constitutional citizens like myself live in the same violence rich environment that I and my family do. They have access to the same violent crime reports that I see. They even agree that there is too much violence in our society and even help my case by repeating some of these crime reports that display how prevalent home invasions and other attacks are in our communities today. And still, they want me to give up my gun.

You may not believe in my right to defend myself and my wife. But, I'd like to hear your idea of how you are planning for how to protect yourself if attacked. What are you going to do, call 911 during the first 3 minutes of the rape in progress? Really?

I would rather spend years in prison for Constitutionally defending myself or others, than have my wife raped, stabbed or murdered while I was dialing 911.

There is no argument against this. If you think you have one, let's hear it.

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