Friday, July 12, 2013

6 Key Phrases Used by Unreasoning Agents of Destruction

During my return to college (2001-2004), I had the opportunity to take a Speech and Debate class. We were blessed with a very conservative and fair minded professor who really just wanted us to learn and hone our debate skills, regardless of the topic. She was one of those who revelled in having one of us eloquently crush our opponent in class, and then demand that the winner turn around and debate from the opposing view. 

I often deliberately chose highly controversial topics because debating was not enough for me; I also wanted to be right, in an environment that was predominantly Liberal. So, I developed several topics for discussion that were sure to draw heated debating partners. The following came from some of those topic studies.

My summation is that I am providing a public service to all by handing out these free tips. We must often be reminded that the Liberal mind is one that is twisted and skewed to operate without the constraining influence of solid structure. Theirs is a fantasy world without constraint of resources. Much like the Star Trek world created by Gene Roddenberry, in their minds The Great Society should provide for all equally so that all can pursue true happiness towards whatever destination that might be. And, anyone holding to the antiquated theories of hard work for a day's pay in order to gain, is only good for the menial labor necessary to provide for the physical maintenance of real of society; their society.

So it was that I learned many years ago that Liberals do not have to be convinced; they just have to be defeated. So, when you run into someone using the words below in a way that suggests that they might be a liberal, don't waste too much time trying to convince them of Truth and The Rule of Law. Just defeat them at the polls every two years.

This obviously is only a partial list.

You might be a Liberal if… you don’t get any of this.


  • Meaning; “I am using thought processes beyond your ability to understand anything important.”
  • Example; “I have moved beyond The Rule of Law. The US Constitution is too confining and narrow. I take a more progressive view.”
  • Reality; Liberals must willingly overlook and ignore The Rule of Law in order to follow their agenda. It does not bother them one whit that they are destroying the very foundations that provide them the safe intellectual harbor in which they are existing. 

LIBERAL (in politics)

  • Meaning to the Liberal; To take from the endless richness of the American Government coffers and give to all who are hurting or in need.
  • Meaning to everyone else; Being liberal (loose) with The Rule of Law in order to meet whatever agenda is convenient at the time.
  • Example; “It’s not fair that some have and some do not. The rich have no right to hoard so much wealth at the expense of the poor.”
  • Reality; To forcefully convert ownership of someone’s goods and make it to be owned by someone else is illegal. There is a name for that crime. It is called Theft. The act of being liberal with tax generated funds while redistributing wealth makes it no less of a Theft. 

CONSERVATIVE (in politics)

  • Meaning to the Liberal; A person who is mean spirited, money-grubbing, selfish, hateful, narrow-minded, racist, bigoted homophobic and challenged to anything that smells of change.
  • Meaning to everyone else; to hold closely to the fundamental meanings of founding documents and statutes. 


  • Meaning to the Liberal; To be fearful of and hate persons who hold to the alternative lifestyle known as Homosexuality.
  • Example; Usually an accusation made against anyone who claims to be a Christian or believe in The Bible. 


  • Meaning to the Liberal; “Everyone should be tolerant to my beliefs.”
  • Meaning to everyone else; Everyone should show measured tolerance towards all reasonable beliefs.
  • Example; Liberals commonly are the first to jump to any public accusatory demands whenever a Conservative might be publically disagreeing with a Liberal ideology. 


  • Meaning to the Liberal; For a white person to disagree for any reason with a black person.
    • Example A; “It doesn't make any difference that Obama’s official birth certificate has been investigated by duly appointed government officials and deemed a forgery. Just investigating his birth certificate was a racist action because Barrack Obama is black.”
    • Example B; Many black people and leftists believe that a black person can not commit a racist act or make a racist statement, simply because they are black. Being black exempts them from racism. While debating in a college class in Chicago in 2001, my debate opponent (a nice black lady) actually claimed that I was in error in my description of the meaning of racism because if I were correct, “…it would mean that a black person was capable of committing a racist act, which is impossible; because they are black. Black people can’t be racist, because they are black, so it’s impossible. ‘Cause they’re black…” etc
    • Example C; Not a week goes by in today’s pop media circus that someone’s defense of a claim being made against our black president must be racist because “Obama is black.”
  • Reality; From Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language; 2012. “Definition of RACISM
    • 1  : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
    • 2  : racial prejudice or discrimination
    • — rac·ist  noun or adjective

My personal favorite that sums up the elitist frame of mind that must be acquired in order to follow the Western Liberal way of life, is a quote I created from a combination of something from the American Humorist, George Carlin, mixed with my own understanding of western culture.

“All men are created equal. Some are just more equal than others.”


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