Sunday, May 12, 2013

Predicting The Left’s Obama Impeachment Defense

Clinton’s impeachment defense followed so far in the developing course of the Obama Impeachment event.

Editorial by RightPaparazzi Editor, Stu Marks

Obfuscation, lies, finger pointing and "It's old news, move on." They're already saying it. They are likening the Obama and Hillary man-slaughters of our consulate and defenders in Libya with, "... several other consulate attacks..." on who else's watch, but Bush's. Yes, a Bush, any Bush gets to be blamed yet again by this news cycle event.

The story line goes like this; "It's not like this is the first time an American consulate has been attacked and deaths and injuries resulted."

Yep, I kid you not. The deaths of Americans are being politicized in advance of a sure Obama impeachment trial.

In the entire landscape surrounding Obama’s impeachment event, one has to include the defense that begins to build in the months and weeks before an actual impeachment trial by the congressional body. And, we’re already beginning to hear the rumors and statements come out now. In a handful of independent articles and news stories, Obama’s not-so-blind supporters are claiming that others in history have done the same things or worse.

Paying close attention to the critical thinking that goes into that type of statement, one has to notice the glaring truth that one cannot reach this point without first acknowledging that OBAMA and HILLARY ARE GUILTY at the least of MURDER, and TREASON.

I predict that what we will see coming down the Left’s pike is the age-old, four-prong Liberal’s defense of 1) a complete attempt by the Main Stream Media of delaying the publishing and broadcasting of the facts, 2) obfuscating the worst of Obama’s crimes, 3) explaining away the rest where it might be less clear what happened, 4) attacking those who can be blamed for getting to the truth.

But, I think there is another foot yet to fall. Something that will not be possible until this news story leaves the ranks of the average fantastic, and moves into an actual event; not unlike the *O.J. Simpson news cycle. The O.J. trials were the first close analogy to come to mind obviously because of the current reemergence of Simpson asking a Las Vegas judge for a new trial.

In the O.J. cycle, first we had the low speed car chase which was a news editor’s carnival. Lots of helicopter footage, some actual audio sound bytes of O.J. and the family of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. After the initial explosion of “news” as the glorifying news editors framed the events, the first murder trial of Simpson could have taken on a more mundane story as it moved beyond the evidentiary into the pure litigation phase. But, the main stream media would have none of that. It was kept at the forefront of all major “news” outlets for the entire 8 months of the trial.

I believe the same and worse will happen with Obama. And the other foot yet to fall will be how The Left reacts and how far they will go, when they witness the American public actually reacting (not what the press says we saying, but what we as American citizens are actually saying to each other) to them (The Leftists) spinning the trial into something less damaging, by pointing fingers at the truth tellers and calling them liars, sensationalists and agenda makers.

As has always been true for decades, there will be two stories; 1) the truth, and 2) what the main stream media says is going on and why.

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