Not knowing what Obama was really about was an OK excuse for
voting for him in the first term. Especially with the press being willing
accomplices in his lies regarding what his platform was. One almost had to elect
him just to see what was in him (sound familiar?).
But no longer can any voter that helped elect this socialist
America-hater claim ignorance. If you re-elected Barack Hussein Obama to a
second term, and or are obstructing efforts to get rid of him, then you share
blame and are culpable in America’s current financial malaise, moral depravity and
support for all things hateful, murderous and poisonous to Liberty.
The very founding documents and traditional American culture
that gave you the right and opportunity to vote for a socialist like Barrack
Hussein Obama, will be completely gone due to Obama’s purposeful destruction of
the U.S. Constitution and The Rule of Law.
But, good news for you who wanted this; you’re getting it.
Without The Rule of Law, you’ll no longer need to worry about voting or having
any say in how you are governed. Look at every country that has gone socialism and
you will not find much in the way of a republic of the people, for the people
or by the people, nor any democracy either. And, you will find taxes that are much higher than our already too high taxes, more free services handed out with no one to administer them and no funds to pay for them, and often a national police state that enforces Nazi style military laws, and no guns to protect against criminals nor the over bearing federal and regional government forces.
Now that we know what is in the Obamacare bill that Nancy
Pelosi stated we had to pass it to find out what was in it (still find it hard
to believe she actually said that with a straight face to a national audience),
and now that we have seen Obama ignore American service heroes and honor
communists; obstruct the U.S. Constitution as well as border states from reducing
illegal alien and other Mexican criminal activity;
we now know that;
- a vote for Obama was a vote for murdering infants even after they are born
- a vote for Obama was a vote for less healthcare for all, via decreasing services by constraining care
- givers and hospitals, giving away redundant services to all who can fill out a form as well as illegal aliens, and taxing law abiding citizens into buying a service that most do not need or want
- a vote for Obama was a vote for furthering the socialist left wing grasp on the American government and thereby the electorate (the voters)
- a vote for Obama was a vote for the end of American values
- a vote for Obama was a vote for the end of American exceptionalism
- a vote for Obama was a vote for the end of American traditions
- a vote for Obama was a vote for the end of the last country on this globe where freedom and liberty was the highest ideal offered to any person
The following is a list of failed and currently failing socialist countries;
11 April 1971 | Multi-party system | |
6 October 1980 | Multi-party system | |
15 August 1947 | Multi-party system | |
9 September 1948 | One-party system | |
2 April 1976 | Multi-party system | |
7 September 1978 | Multi-party system | |
Can you think of anything else that voting for Obama
accomplished? Be honest.
Resource; Wikipedia.
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